Machine learning advisor from your instant messager

When you need fresh ideas and sound advice for your investment idea, just send a message to our chatbot to see how our system think of your trading target.

Volatility contraction pattern

Volatility Contraction Pattern (VCP) is the trademark trading pattern used by legendary market wizard Mark Minervini.  Just send a message "v <your ticker>", e.g. "v XLF" and get a stockchat with potential VCP pattern identified:

Sector Rotation

Identify the influence of sector rotation using the price action of sector ETF in relation of the target ticker.  Just text "se <ticker>" e.g "see ARKG" to our chatbot @sectorRotationBot in telegram

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Our Services

It's no secret—we love our work! But for us, real job-satisfaction comes from helping our clients to achieve great results. Want to learn more about what we offer? Here's exactly how we can help.